Dear loyal blog readers,
We have exciting news: we've moved! As an organization with almost two years of operation under our belt, we felt like it was time to update our look.
From here on out, you can find us at
Please update your blog readers, bookmarks, and links, and join us at our new home!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Nature is party to all our deals and decisions
Last Thursday began like many others here on the farm: rooster crowing, coffee brewing, vests and hats to brace against the early morning spring chill, and a team meeting to set the pace for the day.
But a breathtaking sight faced our staff when they emerged from the office and made their way down to the fields.
In a freak overnight windstorm / microburst / tornado / giant beast attack, our beloved high tunnel -- just completed this summer -- had been utterly destroyed. A mass of mangled metal, unruly wire, and shredded plastic sat in its place, the chaos a stark contrast to the neat, orderly (completely unharmed) rows of baby lettuce on the ground below.
Strangely, everything else on the farm was in its right place, no trees down, no other tunnels damaged, rain gauges practically empty. We're still not sure exactly what happened.
In light of recent world events, the loss of our high tunnel is a minor inconvenience, we know. More than anything else, we are thankful that no one was hurt and that nothing else on the farm was damaged.
But clearly it is still a loss -- while it produced nearly 500 pounds of spring mix during its lifetime, it had not yet covered the costs of construction -- and it remains a harsh reminder that farming is always, ultimately, at the mercy of nature's whims.
So, farewell high tunnel. Thank you for the delicious, tender greens you helped us grow, and the food and warmth you provided for us even through the coldest winter months.
Now, on to scavenge the salvageables from your wreckage, keep calm, and carry on.
But a breathtaking sight faced our staff when they emerged from the office and made their way down to the fields.
In a freak overnight windstorm / microburst / tornado / giant beast attack, our beloved high tunnel -- just completed this summer -- had been utterly destroyed. A mass of mangled metal, unruly wire, and shredded plastic sat in its place, the chaos a stark contrast to the neat, orderly (completely unharmed) rows of baby lettuce on the ground below.
You can see more photos of the damage (and a video) on Flickr.
Strangely, everything else on the farm was in its right place, no trees down, no other tunnels damaged, rain gauges practically empty. We're still not sure exactly what happened.
In light of recent world events, the loss of our high tunnel is a minor inconvenience, we know. More than anything else, we are thankful that no one was hurt and that nothing else on the farm was damaged.
But clearly it is still a loss -- while it produced nearly 500 pounds of spring mix during its lifetime, it had not yet covered the costs of construction -- and it remains a harsh reminder that farming is always, ultimately, at the mercy of nature's whims.
So, farewell high tunnel. Thank you for the delicious, tender greens you helped us grow, and the food and warmth you provided for us even through the coldest winter months.
Now, on to scavenge the salvageables from your wreckage, keep calm, and carry on.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Hello, Holly!
Hello fellow Local Food Hub enthusiasts! My name is Holly, and I am one of the apprentices here at Maple Hill Farm. This is the first of many of my cameo appearances here on the blog, providing you with updates on what we’re up to out here, and to share my experiences as I learn the challenges and triumphs of growing food.
A little about me: Originally from southwest Virginia, I graduated from Clemson University last year with a degree in International Public Health and Spanish, and a minor in Anthropology. If you’re anything like my friends and family, you’re probably thinking, “Well, Holly, what the heck are you doing on a farm?!”
Throughout college I became increasingly fascinated with food – the culture, community, and tastes that it generated – and I buried myself in books ranging from farmer memoirs to food anthropology textbooks. It soon became obvious that the maxim “think globally, act locally” had more meaning than I realized, and that if I was going to learn much more about my local food system I needed to put down the books and put my hands in the soil. I needed to grow that stuff that I am, literally, made from. So here I am, three weeks into my apprenticeship. First lesson: turns out you don’t have to give up the books to get the dirty fingernails.
Here at Maple Hill, we have been hustling, shifting the farm from winter hibernation to spring awakening. Our greenhouse is bursting to life; we have sowed thousands and thousands of seeds over the past few weeks. Watching germination in the “seedling halfway house” is a thrill, another step in the miracle that is food production! My fellow apprentices and I have worked a great deal in the fields cleaning up the perennial beds that gathered dead leaves and weeds over their winter holiday. We weeded and prepped over a ¼ acre plot of asparagus, and expect their delicious heads to be peering out of the soil any day now. The raspberry and blackberry patch puzzle has been solved, and what was once a dark, thick muddle of limbs and thorns is now thinned, pruned, and ready to begin its work toward summer fruiting in earnest.
Our work on the farm has not been all cleaning and weeding – we have also harvested hundreds of pounds of lettuce mix and spinach that were “overwintered,” meaning they were grown in the field under high and low tunnels. These tunnels are “season extenders” and made of plastic, which allow farmers to cultivate food when the outdoor growing season is over because of cold. I am amazed that fresh, stunningly green nutrient-filled veggies are able to grow in the dead of winter.
As you know, we have a huge flock of chickens here on the farm. We have just increased their number by 75 more Long Island Reds, bringing our chicken grand total to two hundred. Those hens are a handful – they are rather young, the equivalent of wily chicken teenagers, and have provided me with a crash course in chicken wrangling and a sincere test of patience. They have recently begun laying eggs for our Local Food Hub customers, so you all will soon be able to buy their protein-packed marvels in your markets.
Working on Maple Hill Farm has been a grand new experience for me – although I have helped my family grow our vegetable garden for years, I have never been as immersed in farming quite like this. At times I get a bit overwhelmed at the scale of the task – four acres is a handful for five people to manage.
But as I work elbow-to-elbow with my coworkers and farm managers, it becomes obvious that we can prevail over the challenges and achieve our food growing mission, one day at a time. I am lucky to have the support of the Local Food Hub team, and for the guidance and wisdom from Steve and Adri, our fearless farm leaders. And we are all fortunate to have you -- our supportive local food community.
Welcome to the season, readers! It is surely going to be delectable.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Stick a Fork in It: Lunch Line Movie Screening
On June 4, 2011, the National School Lunch program will turn 65. Signed into law by Harry Truman in 1946, the program now provides low-cost or free lunches to over 31 million children daily. While opinions certainly vary on the quality of these lunches, one fact remains: the program has the immense potential to address very real issues of hunger, nutrition and obesity for America's littlest eaters.
On Friday, March 25th a local coalition in Charlottesville will host a screening of Lunch Line, a documentary film that details the history of the school lunch program, followed by an exciting panel discussion that will explore what kinds of solutions exist and how you can help bring them to your school. Panelists include local school nutrition directors, UVA professors, a state representative, and even a leading school lunch-focused journalist!
Now is the chance to have your voice heard! Join the conversation and get involved!
What: Lunch Line screening and panel discussion
When: March 25, 6:30pm
Where: MLK PAC
How: Free and open to the public
RSVP: on Facebook, or just show up!
Panelist include:
Ed Bruske, chef, journalist, blogger and author of the Cafeteria Confidential column on Grist.
Alicia Cost, Charlottesville City Schools Nutrition Services Dept. Registered Dietician
Andrea Early, Director of School Nutrition Harrisonburg City Schools
Charles Green, Dir. Marketing & Development, VA Dept of Agriculture & Consumer Services
Matt Trowbridge, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine UVA School of Medicine
Moderated by Tanya Denckla-Cobb, UVA Prof. Urban & Environmental Planning, author of "The Gardener's A-to-Z Guide to Growing Organic Food"
To whet your appetite, check out this trailer for Lunch Line:
Lunch Line Trailer from uji films on Vimeo.
This special screening is made possible by the following event partners and sponsors:
Local Food Hub
Blue Ridge Backyard Harvest
VMDO Architects
Univ. of Virginia Food Collaborative
City Schoolyard Garden Project
Cville School Food Initiative
Slow Food Albemarle-Piedmont
A Pimento Catering
Whole Foods Market Charlottesville
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Take a Gander at All That Green
If you've poked your head in our greenhouse lately, then you know it's packed to the gills with thousands of baby seedlings (and seedlings-to-be). And, thanks to some help from the CACF Future Fund volunteers, soon there will be even more!
Last year at this time, our greenhouse production was probably a third of what it is right now. In fact, we weren't even heating the whole thing. We just built a mini-greenhouse inside and heated it with electric space heaters. Now that's what I call ingenuity.
So why all the green this year? Glad you asked! There are a couple of new projects that we'd like to tell you about:
Last year at this time, our greenhouse production was probably a third of what it is right now. In fact, we weren't even heating the whole thing. We just built a mini-greenhouse inside and heated it with electric space heaters. Now that's what I call ingenuity.
So why all the green this year? Glad you asked! There are a couple of new projects that we'd like to tell you about:
- Most importantly, we're getting started much earlier this year. If you'll recall, 2010 was our first year on the farm — and we didn't even move in until March! This year we've had all winter to plan and prepare, and we made good use of that time.
- We also have a new farmer to tell you about! Brian Moss, one of our apprentices from last season, is returning in 2011 as a senior apprentice. That means he'll be working his own small farm on our property. Lots of the seedlings you see in our greenhouse are actually his. We like to think the senior apprenticeship program is the perfect next step for a young farmer in Virginia. Expect to hear more about Mossy Acre in the coming weeks and months!
- We like to share. Not all of our partnering farms have access to a greenhouse, and even if they do, we know that heating it can be pricey. At the same time, getting a jump on plant production early in the season can be a major boost to farm income. So we thought, since we're already heating ours, why not add some plant starts for our farmers and then give them away for free? And that's just what we're doing.
- Finally, Save the Date! Lots of these seedlings will be for our plant sale and open house on May 7, 2011. Pick up some veggie and flower starts for your home garden (or as a eco-friendly Mother's Day present), tour the farm, have a picnic, take a free class or two, and join in some volunteer projects. It's going to be a family-friendly, action packed day.
Friday, March 4, 2011
The Cheese Stands Alone
Spring is coming, and so is the chevre! Get ready to take advantage of the amazing cheeses we have here in Virginia by signing up for Planet to Plate: A Study in Slow Food (Goat Cheese). Designed and taught by Local Food Hub staffer, Lisa Reeder, this mini-course is a lighthearted way to focus on a locally grown or produced food while highlighting the people who work hard to make it available.
Lisa will be joined for one session by owner/cheesemaker Gail Hobbs-Page of Caromont Farm, and together they will lead a focused tasting of Gail's cheeses and some of their early spring accompaniments (think asparagus, strawberries and spinach, to name a few).
Students will learn the history and heritage of goat cheese (seasonality, craftsmanship, animal husbandry, and land stewardship), as well as gain insight into small-scale dairy farming in Virginia and its challenges. And did we mention there's a field trip?
This is Lisa's second Planet to Plate offering. Last fall, the course focused on the apple, and culminated in a tasting trip to Vintage Virginia Apples for an introduction to the Shelton family and their newest endeavor, Albemarle CiderWorks.
Lisa's dream for local food? To make Central Virginia's food heritage and culture available to everyone -- and to celebrate its deliciousness every day. 'Planet to Plate' classes are appropriate for all age and learning levels, so grab a kid who says they don't like goat cheese or a friend who is curious about joining Slow Food Albemarle Piedmont, and join in the fun.
For more of Lisa's adventures in local food and drink, check out her blog, A Local Notion.
When: Mondays, 7-9pm. Mar 28-Apr 11
Where: UVa School of Continuing and Professional Studies, Zehmer Hall, Lounge
Price: $100
Register: | (434) 982-2779
image credit: regard 1400/Creative Commons
Lisa will be joined for one session by owner/cheesemaker Gail Hobbs-Page of Caromont Farm, and together they will lead a focused tasting of Gail's cheeses and some of their early spring accompaniments (think asparagus, strawberries and spinach, to name a few).
Students will learn the history and heritage of goat cheese (seasonality, craftsmanship, animal husbandry, and land stewardship), as well as gain insight into small-scale dairy farming in Virginia and its challenges. And did we mention there's a field trip?
This is Lisa's second Planet to Plate offering. Last fall, the course focused on the apple, and culminated in a tasting trip to Vintage Virginia Apples for an introduction to the Shelton family and their newest endeavor, Albemarle CiderWorks.
Lisa's dream for local food? To make Central Virginia's food heritage and culture available to everyone -- and to celebrate its deliciousness every day. 'Planet to Plate' classes are appropriate for all age and learning levels, so grab a kid who says they don't like goat cheese or a friend who is curious about joining Slow Food Albemarle Piedmont, and join in the fun.
For more of Lisa's adventures in local food and drink, check out her blog, A Local Notion.
When: Mondays, 7-9pm. Mar 28-Apr 11
Where: UVa School of Continuing and Professional Studies, Zehmer Hall, Lounge
Price: $100
Register: | (434) 982-2779
image credit: regard 1400/Creative Commons
Monday, February 28, 2011
Fruit School with Professor Barkslip
Bill Whipple's business card should be a pear. Yep, that's right. A real, actual pear.
You see, when I first met Bill last September, it was mid-day at the Heritage Harvest Festival and I'd already chatted with approximately 3 million people. My brain was fried and my capacity for meeting new folks and actually remembering them was pretty much tapped out.
And then Bill walked over. Granted, it could have been his striped suspenders that made him unforgettable, but most likely it was the crazy delicious pear, grown organically on his land in West Virginia, that he sliced up and shared with us. It was the most amazing piece of fruit I've ever tasted: juicy, tender, fresh and flavorful. I've never had anything like it. Which is why I think he should ditch the cardboard cards and just carry pears.
The best part about this whole story, though, is that Bill, a.k.a. Professor Barkslip, will be joining us in April to teach a two-day intensive Fruit School class. Now you can grow your own business cards, too!
If you're interested in growing fruit in your home or community garden, thinking about starting an orchard or adding fruit trees to your farm, you should not miss these classes. With an emphasis on organic production, Bill will take you through tree care, pruning, rooting, and grafting, and you'll leave with enough plant material to practically pay for the class. These workshops are perfect for new beginners and old hands alike. You will learn:
Location: Educational Farm at Maple Hill
Cost: BEFORE MARCH 19: $60/day, $120/weekend. AFTER MARCH 19: $70/day, $140/weekend
Register: or (434) 286-2176
It is recommended that you sign up for the full weekend as the material builds upon itself, but if you can't, here's the breakdown:
April 16, 2011
Fruit tree care and pruning workshop (for the home, farm, and public space):
This class will be half talk and half walk and will cover site analysis and selection, proper tree selection, orchard floor prep and care, and caring for the established orchard. Like all the classes at fruit school, emphasis will be on using organic methods. Bring your favorite pruners and saws if you have them for the hands on portion of the class!
Plant rooting and propagation (for the low budget fruit enthusiast):
This class emphasizes low tech, organic methods of plant production though seeds, layering, rooting, stooling, and division. This is by far the easiest and cheapest way to bring the nutritional abundance of plants into your life. Great activity ideas for kids as well!
April 17, 2011
Bench grafting and cloning around:
Learn to graft your own fruit trees! This is nothing short of magical when you learn to stick a branch of one tree onto another and it grows. Discussed and illustrated will be the whip and tongue, and the cleft grafts, rootstock varieties, seedlings versus clones, aftercare, and setting up your own nursery for income diversification. Included in the class is one rootstock, choice of several varieties of budwood, and aftercare materials. There will be plenty of rootstock for sale to do multiple grafts if desired. You are encouraged to bring your own varieties of apple tree cuttings to graft or to swap and share with other participants.
Top working and advanced grafting (Have your flower and eat it too!):
This class will hurl you headlong into the world of top working countless varieties onto existing trees. Within three years you can have a barren ornamental tree in production with 40 varieties! We’ll learn about compatibility, timing, and the world of countless grafting techniques including chip and T- budding, side grafting, rind graft. We’ll touch on festooning and arborsmithing as well. Also emphasized is the essential aftercare of the top worked tree.
Sponsored by Local Food Hub and Blue Ridge Permaculture Network.
image credit: bmann/Creative Commons
You see, when I first met Bill last September, it was mid-day at the Heritage Harvest Festival and I'd already chatted with approximately 3 million people. My brain was fried and my capacity for meeting new folks and actually remembering them was pretty much tapped out.
And then Bill walked over. Granted, it could have been his striped suspenders that made him unforgettable, but most likely it was the crazy delicious pear, grown organically on his land in West Virginia, that he sliced up and shared with us. It was the most amazing piece of fruit I've ever tasted: juicy, tender, fresh and flavorful. I've never had anything like it. Which is why I think he should ditch the cardboard cards and just carry pears.
The best part about this whole story, though, is that Bill, a.k.a. Professor Barkslip, will be joining us in April to teach a two-day intensive Fruit School class. Now you can grow your own business cards, too!
If you're interested in growing fruit in your home or community garden, thinking about starting an orchard or adding fruit trees to your farm, you should not miss these classes. With an emphasis on organic production, Bill will take you through tree care, pruning, rooting, and grafting, and you'll leave with enough plant material to practically pay for the class. These workshops are perfect for new beginners and old hands alike. You will learn:
- basic skills and pruning strategies to care for low-input home, farm and community orchards
- hands-on experience rooting and grafting, plus take-home cuttings and seed starts
- skills to convert ornamental trees into fruit producing mega-giants in three years
Professor Barkslip's Fruit School
Date: April 16 & 17, 9am - 5pmLocation: Educational Farm at Maple Hill
Cost: BEFORE MARCH 19: $60/day, $120/weekend. AFTER MARCH 19: $70/day, $140/weekend
Register: or (434) 286-2176
It is recommended that you sign up for the full weekend as the material builds upon itself, but if you can't, here's the breakdown:
April 16, 2011
Fruit tree care and pruning workshop (for the home, farm, and public space):
This class will be half talk and half walk and will cover site analysis and selection, proper tree selection, orchard floor prep and care, and caring for the established orchard. Like all the classes at fruit school, emphasis will be on using organic methods. Bring your favorite pruners and saws if you have them for the hands on portion of the class!
Plant rooting and propagation (for the low budget fruit enthusiast):
This class emphasizes low tech, organic methods of plant production though seeds, layering, rooting, stooling, and division. This is by far the easiest and cheapest way to bring the nutritional abundance of plants into your life. Great activity ideas for kids as well!
April 17, 2011
Bench grafting and cloning around:
Learn to graft your own fruit trees! This is nothing short of magical when you learn to stick a branch of one tree onto another and it grows. Discussed and illustrated will be the whip and tongue, and the cleft grafts, rootstock varieties, seedlings versus clones, aftercare, and setting up your own nursery for income diversification. Included in the class is one rootstock, choice of several varieties of budwood, and aftercare materials. There will be plenty of rootstock for sale to do multiple grafts if desired. You are encouraged to bring your own varieties of apple tree cuttings to graft or to swap and share with other participants.
Top working and advanced grafting (Have your flower and eat it too!):
This class will hurl you headlong into the world of top working countless varieties onto existing trees. Within three years you can have a barren ornamental tree in production with 40 varieties! We’ll learn about compatibility, timing, and the world of countless grafting techniques including chip and T- budding, side grafting, rind graft. We’ll touch on festooning and arborsmithing as well. Also emphasized is the essential aftercare of the top worked tree.
Sponsored by Local Food Hub and Blue Ridge Permaculture Network.
image credit: bmann/Creative Commons
Friday, February 11, 2011
Sway your Sweetheart with Season Extension: Eliot Coleman at UVA
![]() |
Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman -- aren't they dapper? |
Not buying it? Ok, but you should still check this out, because if you've browsed a seed catalog or two in the decade, then you've probably seen Coleman (or one of his self-designed tools) among the pages, boasting a basket overflowing with utterly perfect, organically grown vegetables.
Known as the king of season extension techniques, Coleman has become the champion of the small organic farm in an age of large-scale industrial agribusiness, because, he says, small farms and market gardens simply grow better food. At his Four Season Farm in Maine where he's been farming for more than 30 years, Coleman supplies his community with tasty, fresh, organic food year-round. Year-round! In Maine!
Virginia, surely we have something to learn from him!
So if you've got some time this weekend, please join us. It's even free, so you'll be a cheap date. I'll leave you with a favorite quote from Coleman: "Information is like compost; it does no good unless you spread it around.”
To recap:
Organic farmer Eliot Coleman will give a lecture and demonstration workshop at the University of Virginia's Hereford Residential College on Sunday, February 13, 2011.
The lecture is from 1 to 2:30 p.m. in the Green Room in Runk Dining Hall. The workshop will take place from 3 to 4 p.m. at Hereford College's mini-farm on Hereford Drive. Directions here.
The events are free and open to the public. Free parking is available at the site.
Sponsored by Hereford Residential College, UVA Dining Services, Local Food Hub, and the UVA Food Collaborative.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Upcoming Event: SPIN Farming comes to Virginia
Goodbye lawn, hello farm!
SPIN Farming is coming to Virginia!
SPIN Farming is coming to Virginia!
Local Food Hub is excited to announce a daylong SPIN Farming workshop on Saturday, March 12 from 8am–4pm at our Educational Farm at Maple Hill in Scottsville, VA. The workshop and demonstration will be conducted by SPIN expert, Linda Borghi, and will include planning, design, production, and marketing, as well as hands-on work in a future SPIN plot on our farm.
Haven't heard of SPIN Farming? Well check it out: S-mall P-lot IN-tensive (SPIN) Farming is a non-technical, easy-to-understand, and inexpensive-to-implement farming system that makes it possible to earn income from small plots by growing vegetables.
These methods can work whether you are new to farming, or want to farm in a new way. Why?
- The revenue formulas and organic-based techniques make it possible to gross $50,000+ from a half-acre.
- You don't need to own acres of land! Use your backyard, your front lawn, or rent/barter a small piece of land adequate in size for SPIN-Farming production.
- It works in the city, it works in the country, it works in the 'burbs.
Register today -- space is limited!
SPIN Farming Workshop
Date: Saturday, March 12, 2011
Time: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Location: Local Food Hub Educational Farm
Cost: $100 (includes class, SPIN How-To guide, access to list-serve, and tons of hand-outs)
Register: | (434) 286-2176.
image credit: andrea dunlap/Creative Commons
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Winter Inspiration
I had a bit of a "moment" on my way to the farm today. I'd been up for a few hours, drinking coffee and waiting for the roads to clear -- so maybe I was just over-caffeinated, or maybe it was a new favorite song on the radio, but mostly I think it was the way the sun was glinting just so off the snow from last night's storm. Carter's Mountain looked silver-capped and gilded in ice, the pines hung low and heavy along the road, and the sloping, golden farmland looked laced with snow.
The sights at Maple Hill were just as gorgeous (and safer to capture on camera -- no stopping in the middle of Route 20 to snag a shot, for example): colorful despite the season and textured with lines, patterns and shapes. See for yourself:
The sights at Maple Hill were just as gorgeous (and safer to capture on camera -- no stopping in the middle of Route 20 to snag a shot, for example): colorful despite the season and textured with lines, patterns and shapes. See for yourself:
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Clean Your Plate: Walmart Edition
As many of you probably heard, Walmart (and the First Lady) recently announced a plan to make thousands of its packaged foods healthier and to drop prices on fruits and vegetables. This came on the heels of a pledge made this fall to increase their purchasing of locally-grown foods to at least nine percent by 2015.
This week's Clean Your Plate is dedicated to the supercenter behemoth. Why? Well, like everything about Walmart, it comes down to size. With more than 2,750 superstores nationwide, Walmart owns a whopping 25 percent share of the U.S. grocery market. In other words, of every dollar Americans spend on groceries, a quarter goes to Walmart.
So, a two-pronged pledge that involves 1) reducing sodium, trans fat and sugar in its Great Value brand of packaged foods and 2) somehow reducing the prices of fruits and vegetables, has the potential to make a huge dent in our waistlines. Or does it?
There's no doubt that Americans are consuming too much bad stuff -- but will changing the recipe (in relatively small ways) really make a difference? And, will making fruits and vegetables even cheaper (without making the prices on processed food more accurate) mean more people will buy and eat them? And don't get me started on a particularly insidious part of the plan that involves addressing food deserts by, you guessed it, building more Walmarts.
In any case, other people have written more extensively and eloquently about the announcement -- a selection of my favorites appears below. I think you'll find the difference of opinion quite interesting.
Have something to say about the new plan? An article you think we should read? Let us know in the comments.
image credit: mjb84/Creative Commons
This week's Clean Your Plate is dedicated to the supercenter behemoth. Why? Well, like everything about Walmart, it comes down to size. With more than 2,750 superstores nationwide, Walmart owns a whopping 25 percent share of the U.S. grocery market. In other words, of every dollar Americans spend on groceries, a quarter goes to Walmart.
So, a two-pronged pledge that involves 1) reducing sodium, trans fat and sugar in its Great Value brand of packaged foods and 2) somehow reducing the prices of fruits and vegetables, has the potential to make a huge dent in our waistlines. Or does it?
There's no doubt that Americans are consuming too much bad stuff -- but will changing the recipe (in relatively small ways) really make a difference? And, will making fruits and vegetables even cheaper (without making the prices on processed food more accurate) mean more people will buy and eat them? And don't get me started on a particularly insidious part of the plan that involves addressing food deserts by, you guessed it, building more Walmarts.
In any case, other people have written more extensively and eloquently about the announcement -- a selection of my favorites appears below. I think you'll find the difference of opinion quite interesting.
Have something to say about the new plan? An article you think we should read? Let us know in the comments.
- Jane Black: Why Walmart got it right
- Tom Philpott: Walmart vows to use its power for good food, not evil
- The Atlantic: The meaning of Walmart's healthy foods announcement
- Marion Nestle: What are we to think about Walmart's healthy food initiatives
- Fooducate Blog: Walmart's nutrition initiative: PR or substance?
- Melanie Warner: Why the Walmart-Michelle Obama plan for healthy eating is doomed
- Fresh Air: The bigger the Wal-Mart, the fatter the shoppers
- Anthony Flaccavento: Walmart and the end of the local food movement
- Walmart would kill jobs, lower wages in NY
image credit: mjb84/Creative Commons
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
To Bee or Not to Bee...
For years now, honeybees have been getting hammered by a mysterious plague that has a name — colony collapse disorder — but no proven cause. New studies are now indicating that pesticides are the probable culprit; “unprecedented levels” have been found in hives across the U.S. and parts of Canada.
And, in a scandal to rival Wikileaks, leaked documents show that the EPA allowed the continued use of these pesticides, despite warnings by their own scientists. A sticky situation, indeed.
The loss of the world's honeybee population would be a devastating blow to the viability of our food supply.
A Cornell University study has estimated that honeybees annually pollinate more than $15 - 20 billion worth of seeds and crops in the U.S. “Every third bite we consume in our diet is dependent on a honeybee to pollinate that food,” said Zac Browning, vice president of the American Beekeeping Federation.
Check out this beautifully done infographic for a visual representation of the issue.
So, what can you do? Well, you can start by getting educated.
This Sunday, join your fellow bee-concerned citizens at the Haven for a screening of "Queen of the Sun," an in-depth investigation to discover causes and solutions behind the honeybee collapse, featuring such notables as Michael Pollan, Gunther Hauk and Vandana Shiva. Stay for a panel discussion and a honey tasting following the film.
What: Screening of "Queen of the Sun" and panel discussion
When: Sunday, January 23 | 4 - 6:30pm
Where: The Haven at First & Market
How Much: $5 suggested donation; parking validated at the Water Street garage
From the website: Queen of The Sun follows the voices and visions of underrepresented beekeepers, philosophers, and scientists around the world, all struggling for the survival of the bees. While other bee films focus exclusively on commercial beekeepers, this film emphasizes the biodynamic and organic communities who have differing opinions from many commercial beekeepers and are overlooked in other films.
And, in a scandal to rival Wikileaks, leaked documents show that the EPA allowed the continued use of these pesticides, despite warnings by their own scientists. A sticky situation, indeed.
The loss of the world's honeybee population would be a devastating blow to the viability of our food supply.
A Cornell University study has estimated that honeybees annually pollinate more than $15 - 20 billion worth of seeds and crops in the U.S. “Every third bite we consume in our diet is dependent on a honeybee to pollinate that food,” said Zac Browning, vice president of the American Beekeeping Federation.
Check out this beautifully done infographic for a visual representation of the issue.
So, what can you do? Well, you can start by getting educated.
This Sunday, join your fellow bee-concerned citizens at the Haven for a screening of "Queen of the Sun," an in-depth investigation to discover causes and solutions behind the honeybee collapse, featuring such notables as Michael Pollan, Gunther Hauk and Vandana Shiva. Stay for a panel discussion and a honey tasting following the film.
What: Screening of "Queen of the Sun" and panel discussion
When: Sunday, January 23 | 4 - 6:30pm
Where: The Haven at First & Market
How Much: $5 suggested donation; parking validated at the Water Street garage
From the website: Queen of The Sun follows the voices and visions of underrepresented beekeepers, philosophers, and scientists around the world, all struggling for the survival of the bees. While other bee films focus exclusively on commercial beekeepers, this film emphasizes the biodynamic and organic communities who have differing opinions from many commercial beekeepers and are overlooked in other films.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Statistics Make Me Happy
Whoo hoo! The Census Bureau has released the 2011 Statistical Abstract of the U.S.! Ok, ok, that may not be a major cause for excitement for some you, but I love this kind of stuff.
Dig down deep enough and you can see how many pounds of asparagus we're consuming per person (1.2, if you must know), how many gallons of coffee we drink (24.2!), and how much cheddar we're scarfing (9.9lbs). I could keep that up forever. All of those numbers are for 2008, but it's also interesting to see how things change over a period of years.
I spent some time yesterday pulling out what I thought to be interesting tidbits, but you should have a go of it yourself, too, when you get a moment.
Since 2000:
Dig down deep enough and you can see how many pounds of asparagus we're consuming per person (1.2, if you must know), how many gallons of coffee we drink (24.2!), and how much cheddar we're scarfing (9.9lbs). I could keep that up forever. All of those numbers are for 2008, but it's also interesting to see how things change over a period of years.
I spent some time yesterday pulling out what I thought to be interesting tidbits, but you should have a go of it yourself, too, when you get a moment.
Since 2000:
- Red meat consumption is down 5.4 lbs to 108.3 lbs per capita.
- Veggie consumption is down 30 lbs to 392.7 lbs per capita.
- Fruit consumption is down 35 lbs to 250.9 lbs per capita.
- Yogurt consumption is up 9.9 lbs to 21.9 lbs.
- Wine consumption is up half a gallon to 2.5 gallons per capita.
- Coffee consumption is down 2.1 gallons to 24.2 gallons per capita.
- High fructose corn syrup is down 9.5 lbs to 53.1 lbs per year (but isn't it shocking to see what it was in 1980: 19 lbs per capita).
- Sadly the soda and carbonated beverage numbers are "N/A" -- not sure why.
- Overall, the number of farms in the U.S. has increased (2,167,000 to 2,200,000). Yea!
- But the number of farms in Virginia has decreased (49,000 to 47,000). Boo.
- Average farm size has decreased from 436 acres to 418.
- Organic farmland covers 4.8 million acres, a 170% increase!
- Honeybee colonies are down 23 percent to 2,462,000 since 2000.
- And last but not least, there are now five states—Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, North Carolina, and South Dakota—that have more pigs than people.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Clean Your Plate: Around the Web
We're bringing back the Friday Clean Your Plate round-up in 2011! You can help us keep it going by sending along your own good food reads: info[at] or send us a tweet!
Here we go:
Have a great weekend, and stay warm out there!
image credit: chiots run/Creative Commons
Here we go:
- A great new years resolution piece by our favorite agri-poet, Wendell Berry. Highly recommended to lift your spirits.
- Keeping with the theme, check out Francis Lam's 2011 goal: no more cheap chicken. Could you do it?
- Maybe you could just replace chicken with some invasive species instead! Forget locavores, invasivores are where it's at!
- Great piece by the chairman of Burpee Seeds: Let's make 2011 the year of the vegetable!
- Think you don't have time to cook real food? Think again. Three easy, basic recipes to add to your repetoire. Gotta love Bittman.
- The Dirty Life: On Farming, Food, and Love: a great book review. Haven't read it yet, but it's on my list.
- Frustrations grow over schoolyard gardens in MD, thanks to some pretty silly comments and concerns by the Superintendent. We're lucky here in C'ville, that's for sure.
- Suggestions and thoughts on eating locally in the winter (granted, not particularly helpful at this point).
- And finally: is anyone taking part in the Fourth Annual Dark Days Challenge? Basically you cook four meals each month (1 per week) focused on SOLE (sustainable, organic, local, ethical) ingredients, write about it on your blog. See the link for more details. Anyone?
Have a great weekend, and stay warm out there!
image credit: chiots run/Creative Commons
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